Beyond Numbness: A Guide to Recognizing and Managing Alexithymia
The Reality of Kleptomania
Everything There Is To Know About Pragmatic Communication Disorder or “Autism-Lite”
The Growing Threat of Antibiotic Resistance
The Highs and Lows of Teenage Life with ADHD
The Alarming Rise of Fentanyl Overdoses Among Teenagers: It's Death in One Dose
Episodio 3: Entendiendo el Síndrome de Angelman (Español)
Episode 3: Understanding Angelman Syndrome (English)
Episodio 2: No solo es un “Reality Show”: La Verdad Sobre el Síndrome de Diógenes (el Trastorno de Acumulación Compulsiva) (Español)
Episode 2: It’s Not Just A Reality Show: The Truth Behind Diogenes (Hoarding) Syndrome (English)
Episodio 1: La Addición del Internet Sobre el Trastorno Obsesivo Compulsivo (Español)
Episode 1: The Online Obsession of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) (English)
Internet Abuse and Brain Loss
Altering DNA Sequences With CRISPR-cas9 Technology
NeuraLink and the future of human-machine interaction.
The Science Behind Falling in Love
Transcripción del Trailer de Querida Salud (Español)
The Serotonin Levels of OCD and Lovers
Dear Healthcare Trailer Transcript (English)